Leading with Passion and Offering Compassion
From Antepartum to Postpartum
A Doula is a birth worker. Doulas are trained professional who provide non-medical support to pregnant people and their families before, during, and after childbirth. Doulas are not medical professionals, and we do not deliver babies, but we help ensure that your needs are met. We focus on maternal care, including but not limited to:
Emotional support
Physical support
Mental Health support
Informational support
Newborn feeding
I, personally, like to say a Doula is your favorite "Auntie" that you would call when your momma, especially, or anybody is just getting on your nerves. We do what we can to make everything alright. We focus on making you comfortable and kind of spoiling you throughout the pregnancy and early postpartum.
There are many benefits of having a doula as part of your support team. Evidence-based practices used by doulas have proven to “decrease the use of medication during birth, decrease chances of c-section births, have shorter labor, help reduce racial disparities, reduce costs for medical interventions, decrease chances of low birth weight, and improves breastfeeding outcomes" (Robles-Fradet and Greenwald, 2022).
Having a doula during the postpartum trimester also provides the family with support beyond the birthing experience. Postpartum doulas help improve outcomes of mental wellness, bonding with baby, family dynamics, and adjusting to new roles and responsibilities.